Choppy dive at Brixham Breakwater – 11th October 2020

We arrived at Brixham Breakwater with sea conditions less that ideal but all the divers agreed they were happy to go into the water. The breakwater was the only choice available today due to the choppy conditions but it turned out to be interesting dive.

Visability was about 3 to 4 metres.


Marine life was good especially for Sarah, one of our trainee Ocean divers with a variety of sponges, anemones and squirts along with Blenny's, goby's and the occasional Leopard goby. Velvet swimming crabs and lobsters also put in an appearance.

Leaving the water was another matter. Due to the swell and choppiness crawling out on your hands and knees seemed appropriate and practical. David was on hand to capture the moment.

Who said diving was Elegant!!